The Centre for Philosophy of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Public Health (CPEMPH) is a platform for interdisciplinary research into the philosophical aspects of human health. It is a joint venture between Durham University and the University of Johannesburg. At the Centre, we believe that perspectives from outside the Global North will be key sources of new insight in these fields, and seeks to build North-South and South-South partnerships. The Centre’s work includes methodological and conceptual foundations of health research, which raise philosophical questions with practical implications. It also includes the social and political context of medical science and practice, and the way these shape methods, goals, and strategies. The Centre’s conception of both “philosophy” and “medicine” includes non-Western traditions.

About the collaboration: Durham and Johannesburg

The University of Johannesburg and Durham University have strong links and mutual interests in health-related research with a focus on social and human approaches. UJ is seeking to establish a medical school. Both universities are seeking to extend their activities and presence in the Medical Humanities. The two universities have strong existing collaborations and are developing a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Durham-Johannesburg Centre for Philosophy of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Public Health strengthens and supports both universities ambitions to establish globally significant locations for these important disciplines to flourish, in a way that integrates Global South perspectives from the outset. Both institutions have an active interest in North-South collaboration, and specifically across the African continent (not just South Africa). The Centre is committed to a non-extractive approach to such interactions.

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