M, PhD and PostDoc opportunities at UJ

The University of Johannesburg has released a special call offering masters, doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, for start asap, deadline 8th Feb 2020.

These are in any area, but I would like to specifically invite anyone wishing to work with myself (or colleagues at UJ) on any of the areas listed below. From May 2020, I will be Director of the Institute for the Future of Knowledge at UJ (a new institute – no website yet – but watch this space!), and being part of this enterprise will, I think, be very exciting for potential students/post-docs. I would be delighted to receive inquiries in any of the following areas:

  • Philosophy of medicine
  • Philosophy of epidemiology
  • Causation
  • Counterfactuals
  • Causal inference
  • Prediction
  • Explanation (not just causal)
  • Machine learning (in relation to any of the above)
  • Cognitive science
  • Other things potentially relevant to the Institute, my interests, your interests… please suggest!

If you’re interested please get in touch: abbroadbent@uj.ac.za

The call is here, along with instructions for applicants:

2020 Call for URC Scholarships for Master’s_Doctoral_Postdoctoral Fellowships_Senior Postdoctoral fellowships

DOCTORAL OPPORTUNITY – Biological complexity – still open

Despite receiving some good applications, I’ve been unable to find the right match for this position yet, originally advertised in August. If you are interested please follow instructions in the original ad here:

DOCTORAL OPPORTUNITY: Increasing Complexity – the First Rule of Evolution?

The opportunity will expire at end of January.

Korean translation of ‘Philosophy of Medicine’

I’m delighted to learn that there will be a Korean translation of my 2019 book Philosophy of Medicine. My 2013 book Philosophy of Epidemiology was also translated into Korean.

I would be interested to connect with other audiences in the eastern parts of the world; if anyone has potential connections that I could explore, please let me know.