BMJ article: Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school @bmj_latest @DrZweliMkhize @DBE_SA #epitwitter @UNICEF @UNICEF_SA @WHO @WHOAFRO

A very thorough and useful summary of a one-way flow of evidence: children are not super-spreaders, appear not only to suffer less severely but to be infected less commonly (or perhaps more transiently), and this all applies to children with co-morbidities too. The case for opening schools is overwhelming.

This follows a systematic review published in the Lancet in early April, concluding that “Policy makers need to be aware of the equivocal evidence when considering school closures for COVID-19, and that combinations of social distancing measures should be considered. Other less disruptive social distancing interventions in schools require further consideration if restrictive social distancing policies are implemented for long periods.”

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