Announcing a New Journal: Philosophy of Medicine

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new academic journal, Philosophy of Medicine. The journal’s website is live for submissions at

Philosophy of Medicine is an open-access journal that publishes exceptional original philosophical research and perspectives on all aspects of medicine, including medical research and practices. Through its public-facing section The Examination Room, it also publishes content for the wider public, including health professionals and health scientists.

The mission of Philosophy of Medicine is to serve as the flagship journal for the field by advancing research in philosophy of medicine, by engaging widely with medicine, health sciences and the public, and by providing open-access content for all.

The journal is led by Alex Broadbent as inaugural Editor-in-Chief and Jonathan Fuller as Deputy Editor in Chief (see the full editorial team here: It is published by the University of Pittsburgh Library System through Open Journal Systems (OJS) with generous financial support from the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh and the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Johannesburg.

Queries about the journal can be sent to

The editors of Philosophy of Medicine look forward to stewarding the journal through this exciting new phase in the development of our field.


Alex Broadbent and Jonathan Fuller

Co-Founding Editors

Philosophy of Medicine

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