First Two Meetings of International Philosophy of Medicine Reading Group

This group – let’s call it Philmed-RG – will have a couple of pilot meetings in July, before settling into a series of meetings in the period September-December, after the Northern summer break is over. (Read more about the group here.)

We have over 130 expressions of interest from all over the world, so we are looking to split the meetings into two, at different sides of the clock. Therefore we propose the following first two meetings and readings.

  1. Fagerberg, H. (2023). What We Argue about when We Argue about Disease. Philosophy of Medicine4(1).
    • Thursday 11 July at 5pm BST
    • Friday 12 July at 9am BST
  2. Stoellger, D. (2023). Why It (Also) Matters What Infectious Disease Epidemiologists Call “Disease”. Philosophy of Medicine4(1).
    • Thursday 25 July at 5pm BST
    • Friday 26 July at 9am BST

The zoom link will be circulated to the reading group email list. You may request to join the list and group here:

We look forward to seeing you at one of these meetings!

The Philmed-RG Organising Committee (Alex Broadbent, Elisabetta Lalumera, Sarah Wieten)

International PhilMed Reading Group

In various conversations, some of us have thought it might be nice to have a reading group on philosophy of medicine, with international reach. As well as creating a nice place for regular conversations, this might support people who feel a bit isolated where they are, to connect more with the international philosophy of medicine community. And of course it encourages those of us who suffer from “readers block” to read on a regular basis!

We haven’t yet decided what to read, or exactly how often to meet. So we might do a sort of pilot, and continue if it feels good, or drop it otherwise. As a rough guide, we’re imagining having maybe 8 or 10 meetings at intervals of 2 or 3 weeks, each lasting about 90 mins. These might run Sept-Dec (perhaps with some earlier meetings in June/July for those who are free). Then we review, and decide whether to line another series of meetings up for the following year. However, everything is open.

If you would like to be part of this experiment, please would you drop us a line at No commitment.

Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable 9-10 May 2024

Registration is free but required. Register here

Going online for the first time, the latest instalment of the Roundtable brings together over fifty speakers from six continents to present the latest philosophical thinking on topics including:

  • Medicine and artificial intelligence
  • Ageing
  • Nature of health
  • Classification of disease
  • Disability and neurodiversity studies
  • Epistemic injustice in medicine
  • Medical research
  • Epidemiology
  • Population health
  • Social justice in medicine

…and many more.

Keynote speakers

  • Sandro Galea, Robert A. Knox professor and dean at the Boston University School of Public Health
  • Maël Lemoine, Professor of Philosophy and leader of the ImmunoConcept project at Bordeaux University
  • Jerome Wakefield, Professor at NYU Silver as well as an NYU University Professor with multidisciplinary appointments
  • Sarah Wieten, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Durham University




Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special section of Philosophy of Medicine.


The event is hosted by the Centre for Philosophy of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Public Health, a joint enterprise between Durham University’s Institute for Medical Humanities and the University of Johannesburg’s Faculty of Humanities.

About the Roundtable

The International Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable is an open group of philosophers, clinicians, epidemiologists, social scientists, statisticians, bioethicists, and anyone else with an interest in epistemological and ontological issues connected with medicine.

Registration for this conference is free but required. Register here